Global ELT Fairy Tales - Jack and the Beanstalk - A1 Movers

Global ELT Fairy Tales - Jack and the Beanstalk - A1 Movers

  • Publisher: Global ELT
  • ISBN: 9781781649954
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  • 32.00 RON
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Fairy Tales Graded ReadersJack and the Beanstalk​​Level: A1 MoversAn English Fairy talefirts published by Benjamin Tabart​​Jack and the Beanstalk is an English fairy tale. It's the story of a young poor boyJack who lives with his mother. One dayJack goes to the market to sell their cow and a stranger offers Jack magic beans for the cow. Jack takes the beans and the next morning there is a giant beanstalk. Jack climbs the beanstalk up through the clouds and sees a castle.Global ELT Fairy Tales: Graded Readers for Young Learners is a graded reading series specifically written for children who learn English as a foreign language. The series is aligned to the Common European Framework (CEFR) and takes children from pre-A1 to A2 level. This carefully structured series has been designed based on the Cambridge Assessment English: Young Learners (YLE) exams requirements and follows the official Wordlists and Syllabus of the pre-A1 Starters, A1- Movers and A2-Flyers exams. This new series uses some of the most popular fairy tales of world literature that have been carefully adapted for English language learners, to bring English to life. The stories are beautifully illustrated with engaging illustrations, accompanied by a picture glossary which is followed by very simple Reading Comprehension questions and easy Vocabulary Exercises.Components Print: • Story Book • Picture Glossary • Reading Comprehension questions & Vocabulary Exercises for each chapterOnline: • Audio: the story as a downloadable audio book in MP3 format. The recordings are currently available in UK accent. • Answer Keys to the Reading Comprehension questions and the Vocabulary ExercisesThe audio recordings which accompany the Fairy Tales Graded Readers give students the chance to listen to as well as read the stories.