Time traveller 2 workbook - 92 pages

Time traveller 2 workbook - 92 pages

  • Publisher: Ahead Books
  • ISBN: 9788898433872
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  • 54.00 RON
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Time Traveller 2

About the Workbook

Reinforcement of the vocabulary and grammar taught in each lesson through activities. A picture dictionary with over 180 entries for students’ easy reference. It provides additional revision of the key vocabulary taught in books 1 & 2, separated into word groups
Key features of the book:
 A My Projects section where students can do the projects from the Student’s Book and be able to take them home and show their parents
 A My Writing Corner section where students can do the writing tasks from the Student's Book and be creative
 A Festivals section for Christmas, Mother's Day, and summer holidays

Print Components
• Student’s Book
• Workbook with free Picture Dictionary, My Projects section
and My Writing Corner section
• Teacher's Book with step-by-step lesson plans and many tips & ideas
for teachers to use in class. Includes both Student's Book & Workbook
• 2 Audio CDs
• Test Booklet that covers all units of the Student's Book

Digital components
• IWB software with animations for all the on-going story episodes,
audio for all exercises and songs
• Our Time Traveller online gamified learning environment:
a child-safe environment for all learners to play, learn and thrive
• E-books for both Student's Book & Workbook
• Online supplementary material (flashcards, certificates and posters)