This is the perfect course for anyone who wants to use English at work, whatever their profession or level of seniority. It takes a thorough but light-hearted and non-executive approach to learning the language and is also suitable for pre-work tertiary students. Available in four levels, the core Student's Book material offers 60 hours of study which can be easily increased through the wealth of additional digital components. Whatever the industry, whatever the job, @work will suit any employee. This is business outside the boardroom. Key Features Avoids the usual business clichés and teaches practical, get-the-job-done language Takes a solid, upfront approach to grammar Presents language in a range of business-relevant, yet widely appealing contexts Flexible materials offer students and teachers choice over the length, depth and method of delivery of their course Ideal for students and teachers of all levels and experience; no prior Business English knowledge is required@work Learning Platform www.richmondatwork.net

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@work Elementary Workbook Pack -50%

@work Elementary Workbook Pack

This is the perfect course for anyone who wants to use English at work, whatever their profession or..

37.00 RON 18.50 RON Ex Tax: 18.50 RON

@work Pre-Intermediate Workbook Pack -50%

@work Pre-Intermediate Workbook Pack

This is the perfect course for anyone who wants to use English at work, whatever their profession or..

37.00 RON 18.50 RON Ex Tax: 18.50 RON

@work Elementary Teacher's Book -67%

@work Elementary Teacher's Book

This is the perfect course for anyone who wants to use English at work, whatever their profession or..

78.00 RON 26.00 RON Ex Tax: 26.00 RON

@work Pre-Intermediate Teacher's Book -67%

@work Pre-Intermediate Teacher's Book

This is the perfect course for anyone who wants to use English at work, whatever their profession or..

78.00 RON 26.00 RON Ex Tax: 26.00 RON

@work Pre-Intermediate Class Audio CD -67%

@work Pre-Intermediate Class Audio CD

This is the perfect course for anyone who wants to use English at work, whatever their profession or..

65.00 RON 21.67 RON Ex Tax: 21.67 RON

@work Upper Intermediate Class Audio CD -67%

@work Upper Intermediate Class Audio CD

This is the perfect course for anyone who wants to use English at work, whatever their profession or..

65.00 RON 21.67 RON Ex Tax: 21.67 RON